Static and Dynamic Deformation Measurements of Micro Beams by the Technique of Digital Image Correlation

It is critical to measure the static and dynamic deformation of the micro beam over their full range of voltage and frequency inputs, which are key parameters for predicting device behavior. In this study, full-field technique by correlation of projected fringe patterns is selected to determine static deformation, while dynamic parameters can be obtained by DIC with high-speed CMOS camera, whose maximal frame rate is 32k f/s. The static tests of micro beams are carried out by applying electric field forces under different dc voltage, while the dynamic tests are excited by harmonic excitations. Using the DIC method, the whole field in-plane or out-of-plane displacements of the micro beams are obtained, and hence the dynamic characteristics by post-processing of vibration analysis. Experimental results including the bending deformation and vibration parameters are reported and compared with finite element method. This study verifies the feasibility of this technique to measure both static and dynamic characteristics of MEMS components.