CERES S'COOL PROJECT UPDATE: The Evolution and Value of a Long-Running Education Project with a Foundation in NASA Earth Science Missions.

Since 1997, S'COOL has engaged interested participants worldwide in observing clouds and comparing data from ground and satellite sources to inform validation efforts for several NASA Earth science missions.

[1]  B. Barkstrom,et al.  Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES): An Earth Observing System Experiment , 1996 .

[2]  J. Teixeira,et al.  Dispelling Clouds of Uncertainty , 2015 .

[3]  Patrick Minnis,et al.  Estimating the top altitude of optically thick ice clouds from thermal infrared satellite observations using CALIPSO data , 2008 .

[4]  Patrick Minnis,et al.  Viewing zenith angle dependence of cloudiness determined from coincident GOES East and GOES West data , 1989 .

[5]  Alexander Marshak,et al.  View angle dependence of cloud optical thicknesses retrieved by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) , 2007 .

[6]  Patrick Minnis,et al.  An evaluation of operational GOES‐derived single‐layer cloud top heights with ARSCL data over the ARM Southern Great Plains Site , 2008 .

[7]  E. O'connor,et al.  The CloudSat mission and the A-train: a new dimension of space-based observations of clouds and precipitation , 2002 .

[8]  Smadar Shiffman,et al.  Cloud Detection from Satellite Imagery: A Comparison of Expert-Generated and Automatically-Generated Decision Trees , 2004 .

[9]  C. Lintott,et al.  Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey , 2013, 1308.3496.

[10]  Sunny Sun-Mack,et al.  CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data—Part II: Examples of Average Results and Comparisons With Other Data , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

[11]  David R. Doelling,et al.  Toward Optimal Closure of the Earth's Top-of-Atmosphere Radiation Budget , 2009 .

[12]  Gerald G. Mace,et al.  The CloudSat radar‐lidar geometrical profile product (RL‐GeoProf): Updates, improvements, and selected results , 2014 .

[13]  David F. Young,et al.  The CERES S'COOL Project , 2003 .

[14]  Paul W. Stackhouse,et al.  The Fast Longwave and Shortwave Flux (FLASHFlux) Data Product: Single-Scanner Footprint Fluxes , 2014 .

[15]  C. Lintott,et al.  Galaxy Zoo: morphologies derived from visual inspection of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey , 2008, 0804.4483.

[16]  Tamás Várnai,et al.  View angle dependence of cloud optical thicknesses retrieved by MODIS , 2005 .

[17]  David F. Young,et al.  Students as Ground Observers for Satellite Cloud Retrieval Validation , 2004 .