Real-Time Online Attendance System Based on Fingerprint and GPS in the Smartphone

Real-time online attendance method is helpful for workers who do a lot of activities outside the office or workers with multi-schedule. The attendance system using online biometric fingerprint system will reduce the problems caused by manual system usage such as lags in data management. The purpose of the research is to constructs an online presence system that combines fingerprint modules and GPS. The ZFM-20 fingerprint module is used as the system's main input as well as a security tool as an entrance to get access to the entire system. GPS module is applied to determine the user's location and sends it to the smartphone. Arduino module in the system will send a text message to the parties concerned about the user's location data automatically. Each module works well and testing the entire system showed the system work reliable according to the initial scenario. The User can access the report using SMS, website, and application on the Android smartphone. The fingerprint sensor can determine the fingerprint stored in the database with an average response time of 1.39 seconds, and GPS can determine latitude and longitude with an average error of 0.007352% and 0.0003% respectively.