Microprocessor Based Control Strategies and Role of ASICs in Sugar Crystallisation Process

The present paper highlights pan instrumentation systems and also describes in detail the work done at CEERI on resistivity instrument named “PANOMETER” and “Microprocessor based pan minitoring system” MIPMOS.It describes in detail about PANOMETER, its principle, its advantages over conventional indicating instruments and applications in regulation of low grade strikes. It can also be utilised for graining operation for B grade and A grade boiling of massecuites proving its ability to handle critical operation of graining.Microprocessor based pan monitoring system developed at CEERI is also described. This system computes un-measurables parameters such as brix, purity and supersaturation of massecuite with the help of measurable variables such as resistivity, viscosity, temperature and level. The same system can be applied to control sugar crystallisation process also. But the complex nature of the process, which is governed by large number of interdependent variables, further complicates the matter.As th...