Macrophysical properties of continental shallow cumuli: diurnal evolution

We develop a new climatology of the macrophysical properties of single-layer shallow cumuli (ShCu), such as cloud amount and cloud base/top heights, observed during 19 summers (2000-2018) at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program’s Southern Great Plains (SGP) Central Facility in northern Oklahoma, USA. Similar to the established datasets, the climatology incorporates the well-known advantages of the narrow field-of-view (FOV) lidar-radar measurements to resolve the vertical structure of clouds along the wind direction. In contrast to these datasets, the climatology combines the well-known advantages of the wide-FOV sky images to describe the horizontal changes of cloud amount across the wind direction. The recent update includes (1) a new tool for visualization of these across-wind changes with user-selected spatial and temporal resolutions, (2) an additional macrophysical property, the so-called cloud equivalent diameter (CED), estimated over a wide range of cloud sizes (about 0.01–3.5 km) with high temporal resolution (30s) and (3) environmental parameters. Our development of the extended climatology is aimed to enhance understanding of the environmental impact on the diurnal evolution of the cloud macrophysical properties and thus to improve performance of ShCu parameterizations.

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