A-7D HAVE BOUNCE. Volume 1. Test Description

Abstract : AFWAL/FIB has been involved in the modeling, instrumentation, and testing of Air Force aircraft response to rough runways since the mid-1970s at the inception of the HAVE BOUNCE program. This report covers the instrumentation and testing of the A-7D attack aircraft operations over rough runways. Typical data ware included to provide an understanding of the results. A complete data set is published as AFWAL-TM-85-257. Testing was performed at Whiteman Air Force Base, MO between December 5 and December 20, 1984. The aircraft was provided and supported by the 132nd Tactical Fighter Wing, Iowa Air National Guard. Two aircraft configurations were tested during this project, a typical lightweight landing and maximum weight takeoff. These aircraft were tested over single and multiple bumps of 3-inch height and 78-foot length. This aircraft appears to be extremely capable of handling runway roughness. The limiting factor for the system is nose gear tire bottoming. This can be alleviated by increasing the nose ear tire pressure.