염색산업단지 입지요인 및 공업용수 공급설비의 한계요인 분석

Various location factors are demanded for developing Industrial Complex. In the industry which is used most of the production cost to industrial water such as dyeing, paper manufacture, steel manufacture, the most influential location factors is supply facilities for industrial water. In DaeGu, textile industry that is one of the traditional industry takes a greate part of local economy, and is fostered and supported for improvement of competitive. The dyeing industry, the core of textile industry is managed by DaeGu Dyeing Industrial Center which is the biggest dyeing center in korea. Therefore, this study surveys and analyzes supply facilities for industrial water that supply industrial water smoothly and need to get appropriate riverhead among various location factors of dyeing industrial center. Then we identify the limitation factors such as reasonable distance between riverhead and supply facilities.