The often-observed λ−2 total integrated scattering PTIS, the Strehl λ−2 on-axis irradiance reduction ΔI0, and the λ−2 specular-power reduction ΔPsp all require that the scatterers have large transverse dimensions ltr, kltr ≫ 1 in addition to the well-known requirement of small-amplitude phase distortion klopd ≪ 1. Here k and λ are the wave vector and the wavelength, respectively, and lopd is an optical path difference. All three λ−2 results are incorrect in the Rayleigh limit of kltr ≪ 1 and klopd ≪ 1, the correct results then being ΔI0 ~ PTIS ~ ΔPsp ~ λ−4. These incorrect λ−2 expressions result from the failure of the Kirchhoff diffraction theory and a resulting nonconservation of energy for kltr ≪ 1. The differential-scattering cross section dσ/dΩ is proportional to λ−4 in both limits. The scattering is into small angles, θ ≲ θdif ≅ λ/ltr for kltr ≫ 1 but into all angles I ~ 1 + cos2θ for kltr ≪ 1. Thus PTIS ~ Ωdσ/dΩ ~ θ2dσ/dΩ ~ λ2λ−4 ~ λ−2 for kltr ≫ 1, and P ~ ∫ dΩ(1 + cos2θ)λ−4 ~ λ−4 for kltr ≪ 1. Diffraction, rather than refraction, causes the λ−2 scattering. The common misconceptions that PTIS ~ λ−2 requires surface scattering, Gaussian or other distributions of lopd and or ltr, angle integration over Rayleigh scattering, or klopd ≅ 1 are shown to be incorrect.
H. E. Bennett,et al.
Relation between Surface Roughness and Specular Reflectance at Normal Incidence
J. O. Porteus.
Relation between the Height Distribution of a Rough Surface and the Reflectance at Normal Incidence
J A Harrington,et al.
Inverse-square wavelength dependence of attenuation in infrared polycrystalline fibers.
Optics letters.
H. E. Bennett.
Scattering Characteristics Of Optical Materials
J. M. Elson,et al.
Diffraction and diffuse scattering from dielectric multilayers
J. Bennett,et al.
Relation between the angular dependence of scattering and the statistical properties of optical surfaces
J. Bennett,et al.
Measurement of the rms roughness, autocovariance function and other statistical properties of optical surfaces using a FECO scanning interferometer.
Applied optics.