Morphotaxonomy of fresh water Chlorophycean algae (Desmids) from Siddharth Nagar, U.P., India

The taxonomic study of green algae (Desmids) of district Siddharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh India reveals the presence of ten taxa belonging to family Desmidiaceae the Class Chlorophyceae. The Tal Kunda pond of Siddharth Nagar district showing rich algal diversity. The present paper deals only desmidiacean taxa. These desmids taxa ( Euastrum ceylanicum E. spinulosum , Cosmarium quadrum, C. awadhense , Staurastrum gracile , S. sexangulare , Micrasterias zeylanica , M. foliacea , Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii and Desmidium swartzii ) though known from other localities of lndia are recorded from district Siddharth Nagar Eastern Uttar  Pradesh for the first time. Key words: C hlorophyceae; Fresh; water; Desmids doi: 10.3126/eco.v12i0.3193 Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology 12: 21-25, 2005