25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management

Abstract : Information technology should enable government to better serve the American people. Government officials have been trying to adopt best practices for years - from the Raines Rules of the 1990s through the Clinger Cohen Act and the acquisition regulations that followed. But obstacles have always gotten in the way. This plan attempts to clear these obstacles, allowing agencies to leverage information technology to create a more efficient and effective government. By focusing on execution, oversight, and transparency, this plan will deliver tangible results to stakeholders across the Federal Government and the American taxpayers. Individually and together, the 25 actions detailed will move the government towards the future - more nimble, more cost effective, and more citizen-focused. These IT reforms require collaboration with Congress; engagement with industry; and commitment and energy from government leadership and IT, acquisition, and financial management professionals. They require relentless focus on near-term execution, recognition of past lessons, and a long-term vision for the future. But these efforts are worth the hard work. By shifting focus away from policy and towards execution and oversight, these IT reforms will succeed in delivering results for the American people.