The Lumbar Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Factory of Auto Parts Production and Assembly

Introduction: The outbreak of musculoskeletal disorders is a widespread phenomenon among human, and it usually occurs in the back, lumbar, neck, and upper limbs of human. In this study, we have tried to investigate the factors affecting the lumbar disorders in a factory of auto parts production and assembly. In terms of aim, the present study is functional. To gather data, a Nordic questionnaire has been used. This questionnaire was distributed by census method among Ghareh Sabz factory personnel. The total number of the distributed questionnaires was 160. Of these, 148 complete questionnaires were received. 12 questionnaires were incomplete and rejected. In order to investigate the research assumptions, statistical tests were exploited by the use of the software SPSS. Related works: According to the results, smoking has a positive and meaningful relation with backache. Exercise and backache have a negative and meaningful relationship together. There is a positive and meaningful relationship between work experience and backache and between age and backache. But there was not found any meaningful relationship between height and backache and between weight and backache.