Super-Resolution Imaging

Preface. Contributing Authors. 1. Introduction S. Chaudhuri. 2. Image Zooming: Use of Wavelets N. Kaulgud, U.D. Desai. 3. Generalized Interpolation for Super-Resolution D. Rajan, S. Chaudhuri. 4. High Resolution Image from Low Resolution Images B.C. Tom, et al. 5. Super-Resolution Imaging Using Blur as a Cue D. Rajan, S. Chaudhuri. 6. Super-Resolution via Image Warping T.E. Boult, et al. 7. Resolution Enhancement using Multiple Apertures T. Komatsu, et al. 8. Super-Resolution from Mutual Motion A. Zomet, S. Peleg. 9. Super-Resolution from Compressed Video C.A. Segall, et al. 10. Super-Resolution: Limits and Beyond S. Baker, T. Kanade. Index.