Comparison of conservation with conventional tillage for potato production in Atlantic Canada: crop productivity, soil physical properties and weed control
Conservation tillage (CT) for potato crop land has been increasing in Atlantic Canada, but producers are concerned that fields managed in this way may be wet, slow to warm in spring, have increased debris at harvest, exhibit higher soil compaction and result in reduced yield. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of four tillage practices on potato yield, soil properties and weed growth over a 3-yr period. The four tillage practices were: (1 ) conventional autumn mouldboard plowing followed by spring secondary tillage; (2) spring mouldboard plowing followed by secondary tillage; (3) autumn chisel plowing followed by spring secondary tillage; and (4) spring CT. Tillage practices significantly affected soil water content (at both the 0- to 15-cm and 15- to 30-cm soil depths) with CT generally showing a greater soil water content prior to spring tillage in comparison to the other treatments. Soil temperature (at the 2- to 5-cm soil depth) prior to spring tillage was not influenced by tillage...