Exploring the covid-19 pandemic impact on the Indonesian students performance

The purpose of this research was to explore the Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Students of Indonesian Universities Performance This Research used qualitative approach In this research, selected participant were 6 students of universities in Indonesia For confidentiality purposes, respondents are given the initials P1,P2,P3,P4,P5 and P6 Semi- structured interviews were conducted and a list of questions compiled for interviews was developed based on the related literature The results of this study are that there are impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Students of Indonesian universities performance such as Some of the negative effects of Covid-19 are that many students have psychological impact Moreover, the presence of Corona virus makes this more likely to have an impact on anxiety disorder symptoms, a lot of income in a family is lost, which makes a reduction in allowance If there is no guidance by an expert then many students who do the learning are not optimal maybe there is only 1 target that the student wants to achieve, such as absence There is no attempt to look for learning in the online The inadequate of independent learning intentions like this can have an impact on material that is not understood by students And when they go back to take the exam or study again, students miss and do not understand the material some students and lecturers are not yet familiar with using internet technology or social media as a learning tool, and there are many students who are studying while doing their lectures © 2020 Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt Ltd All rights reserved