Editor's Note

2 T to the hard work and outstanding efforts of the Associate Editors, reviewers, authors, and support staff, IEEE Network is now commonly recognized as a leading magazine in the field of computer and communication networks. In this editorial, I would like to take a look back at the state of our magazine during the past six months. We have continued to revise the topic areas to cover new emerging areas and technological advancements. I am very happy to report that the impact factor for IEEE Network, according to 2015 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), is 2.899. Also, we have been witnessing a significant number of submitted manuscripts. The magazine received a total of 191 manuscripts from October 2015 to March 2016. Among them, 148 articles already received decisions during this period, and 37 articles have been accepted, with an acceptance ratio of 25 percent. The overall average time to first decision was 28 days. The average time from resubmission to the second review was 17 days. Special Issues on promising topics such as networking for big data, QoE-aware design in next-generation wireless networks, and innovation in network pricing were accommodated. The number of guest edited articles that appeared in this period was 30. Also, an equal number of articles accepted from open call have been published. Thus, we have accommodated 60 articles spanning a wide area of topics in this period while keeping the same ratio between guest edited and open call articles. In particular, we were committed to make the time to first decision as short as possible; meanwhile, we have also made adjustments to reduce the backlog. Given our current submission trend and the importance of upcoming networking technologies, it is reasonable to expect continued steady growth in the number of submissions. We also welcome you to submit Special Issue proposals reflecting hot topics, and also to write to us expressing your ideas and suggestions. StatiSticS for the PaSt Six MonthS