Focusing on behaviour to ensure adoption of Big Data information services in Precision Lifestock Farming

Big Data has a lot of potential for PLF as it allows for monitoring on a constant and real-time basis and can show connections between different data sources, which results in insights on the level of the individual cow that cannot be detected by the human eye. Technical implementation hereof is however not the only hurdle to take for data-driven PLF; business and social aspects also challenge the realization of this ambition. For Big Data solutions to work in PLF, cooperation is therefore needed throughout the value chain, the farmer will need to change his role, and transparency and trust become crucial factors for the adoption of data-driven farming. The project Smart Dairy Farming encountered those challenges, forcing the project to take behavioral- and organizational change processes into account. Starting with a value chain analysis pointing out the relationships, responsibilities and value exchanges, followed by other tools from human centered design such as Personas, the adoption of the Smart Dairy Farming innovations by all stakeholders was ensured.