Closing the Gap Between ASIC and Custom - Tools and Techniques for High-Performance ASIC Design

Preface. List of trademarks. 1. Introduction and Overview of the Book D. Chinnery, K. Keutzer. Contributing Factors. 2. Improving Performance through Microarchitecture D. Chinnery, K. Keutzer. 3. Reducing the Timing Overhead D. Chinnery, K. Keutzer. 4. High-Speed Logic, Circuits, Libraries and Layout A. Chang, et al. 5. Finding Peak Performance in a Process D. Chinnery, K. Keutzer. Design Techniques. 6. Physical Prototyping Plans for High Performance M. Courtoy, et al. 7. Automatic Replacement of Flip-Flops by Latches in ASIC's D. Chinnery, et al. 8. Useful-Skew Clock Synthesis Boosts ASIC Performance W. Dai, D. Staepelaere. 9. Faster and Lower Power Cell-Based Designs with Transistor-Level Cell Sizing M. Cote, P. Hurat. 10. Design Optimization with Automated Flex-Cell Creation D. Bhattacharya, V. Boppana. 11. Exploiting Structure and Managing Wires to Increase Density and Performance A. Chang, W.J. Dally. 12. Semi-Custom Methods in a High-Performance Microprocessor Design G.A. Northrop. 13. Controlling Uncertainty in High Frequency Designs S.E. Rich, et al. 14. Increasing Circuit Performance through Statistical Design Techniques M. Orshansky. Design Examples. 15. Achieving 550MHz in a Standard Cell ASIC Methodology D. Chinnery, et al. 16. The iCORE(R) 520MHz Synthesizable CPU Core N. Richardson, et al. 17. Creating Synthesizable ARM Processors with Near Custom Performance D. Flynn, M.Keating.