Apparatus and method for timing error detection using implementation of cyclic correlator

1. the art that the invention defined in the claims The invention will relating to the timing error detection apparatus and method using a characteristic of a periodic correlation. 2. The invention attempts to solve the technical challenges The invention Mead by detecting a plurality of the timing error of the user using the periodic nature of the preamble code at the same time, the multiple user detection search time and the timing error using the characteristic of the periodic correlation to reduce the hardware complexity detection required when apparatus and to provide a method that purpose. 3. Resolution of the subject matter of the invention, The present invention, in the timing error detecting apparatus using a periodic correlation, the search range control means for controlling the search duration; The received data for each sample is divided by the timing offset to take a correlation with the midamble coefficient data storing means for storing data; Midamble extension generation means for expanding the basic midamble to twice the basic midamble length by 8 chips in length; It means for shifting from the extended to shift the midamble data from the midamble by every shift default midamble length; Complex multiplication and accumulation means for the multiplication value to the cumulative length as the basic midamble the midamble values ​​that are passed from the midamble value and said shifting means is received from the data storage means by taking the complex conjugate; Mistake the result of the accumulation means, and summing means for calculating the square sum of the imaginary value; Correlation storing means for storing the correlation between each user-specific signal and the received midamble pattern of the correlation result values ​​for the search interval that is passed through the summing means; And a timing error detection means for detecting the timing error of the plurality of users at the same time to the shift of one in each interval by the maximum point, depending on the nature of the stored correlation by the correlation storing means. 4. An important use of the invention, The invention yiyongdoem like cyclic correlator. Periodically, correlation, timing, error detection, midamble, shifters, register