Environmental policy in search of new instruments
Introduction: The Globalisation of Environmental Policy and the Search for New Instruments B. Dente. 1: A Classification of Instruments for Environmental Policy P.J. Klok. 2: Political (Un)Feasibility of Environmental Economic Instruments C. Larrue. 3: Arguments, Assumptions and the Choice of Policy Instruments A. Liberatore. 4: Courts and Citizen Action N. Pain. 5: Addressing Uncertainty: Law, Policy and the Development of the Precautionary Principle J. Cameron. 6: Policy Instruments, Public Deliberation and Evaluation Processes J. Subirats. 7: Mediation as a Policy Instrument for Resolving Environmental Disputes - with Special Reference to Germany H. Weidner. 8: New Institutional Arrangements for a New Generation of Environmental Policy Instruments: Intra and Interpolicy Cooperation P. Knoepfel.