On the Chemical Reactivity of the Phytochrome Chromophore in the Pr and Pfr Form

The reactivity of the phytochrome chromophore and related tetrapyrroles towards ozone and tetranitromethane was investigated. Both oxidizing reagents cause bleaching of the main absorption band of the pigment. The rate constants for this bleaching were determined under conditions of pseudo first order reaction kinetics. The rate constants for the reaction with ozone are similar for native phytochrome and for freely accessible tetrapyrroles (biliverdin, small chromopeptides from phytochrome) indicating that accessibility is not the limiting factor for the reaction with ozone. Under a variety of conditions, the Pfr chromophore reacts by about 10% faster than the Pr chromophore. This may reflect the true difference in reactivity. The rate constants for the reaction with tetranitromethane are much larger for biliverdin, bilirubin and small chromopeptides from phytochrome than for native phytochrome. The limiting factor for this reaction in native phytochrome therefore is the accessibility of the chromophore by the reagent. Previous conclusions on the difference in exposure of the tetrapyrrole chromophore in Pr and Pfr are confirmed.