Realization of an adaptive modular control for a disassembly system

At the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) an adaptive modular control for a pilot disassembly, which increases the reliability and efficiency of a disassembly plant system was realized The previous research activities for the generation of operating sequences of disassembly processes were extended by the examination of the availabilities of disassembly facilities and the technical feasibilities of disassembly procedures. The exemplary implementation of the concept of the adaptive modular control is presented on the disassembly step "destructive disassembly of a washing machine side panel". Also the adjustment of the soft- and hardware components of the pilot disassembly system is discussed, whereby the connection of the IT components and the adjustment of the software details is introduced. For the realization of the adaptive control necessary adjustments were made. The programs of the programmable logic control and the robot were customized. The interface technologies are relevant factors. Beyond that the linkage of the IT-components forms the basis of the modular adaptive control