Research is underway at the NASA Glenn Researc h Center to develop and demonstrate the core technologies required to enable new and revolutionary approaches to engine diagnostics. One such effort investigates the use of multi -agent robots for autonomous search and inspection of propulsion systems. In t his envisioned application, on -wing engine inspections will be performed by groups of miniature mobile inspection devices that will traverse the interior surfaces of engine components in a coordinated, comprehensive search and inspection for damage. The cu rrent effort consists of several parallel activities that include: investigation into a range of algorithms for cooperative search, coverage completeness and obstacle avoidance; development of 3 -D graphical simulation software that will serve as a virtual test -bed to facilitate the testing and validation of the control algorithms; and development of demonstration robots that will allow the integration of control algorithms onto hardware. These activities will culminate in a proof -of -concept demonstration in which inspection robots will work together in a coordinated fashion to search for "damage" targets in a hardware test -bed environment. This demonstration will validate the feasibility of using multi -agent robotics to perform cooperative inspections in app lications such as on -wing in situ turbine engine maintenance .
Ken Martin,et al.
Real time tracking of borescope tip pose
Image Vis. Comput..
Alcherio Martinoli,et al.
Macroscopic Modeling of Aggregation Experiments using Embodied Agents in Teams of Constant and Time-Varying Sizes
Auton. Robots.
Lawrence G. Oberle,et al.
Mobile Sensor Technologies Being Developed
Ronald C. Arkin,et al.
An Behavior-based Robotics
M. J. Krasowski,et al.
Cooperative multi-agent mobile sensor platforms for jet engine inspection - concept and implementation
IEMC '03 Proceedings. Managing Technologically Driven Organizations: The Human Side of Innovation and Change (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37502).
C. McInnes,et al.
Autonomous rendezvous using artificial potential function guidance
Marios M. Polycarpou,et al.
A cooperative search framework for distributed agents
Proceeding of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC '01) (Cat. No.01CH37206).