A synthetic soft rock for laboratory model studies
To overcome the significant experimental scatter and highly variable performance observed with model studies of foundation behaviour using a natural weathered mudstone, a synthetic soft rock, known as Johnstone, was developed. This model material was found to be homogeneous and isotropic, and could be reliably and simply reproduced with a range of properties which were similar to the naturally occurring mud-stone, and which could be controlled and accurately determined. The material could be produced in relatively large volumes and cast or machined into a number of predetermined shapes. The development, manufacture, some characteristics and some applications are described. Afin de resoudre le probleme pose par les variations importantes des resultats experimentaux et la grande variabilite du comportement des fondations observees dans les etudes sur modeles utilisant les pelites naturelles desagregees, une roche tendre de synthese, du nom de Johnstone, a ete developpee. Ce materiau est homogene et isotrope...