A Pattern Representation of Indexed Languages

. The Ai are auxiliary symbois. Eachfcan be rpreted “‘ as a homomorphism from Ri to W. j I . with f(t) = g(t) = t for all t E T and f(,4 t) = a, f~~2)=b)f~~3)=BandgiAr)=s/i1,~A2)= bA2A3A3, g(A3) = bA3. Set p(T, W = CL1 (T’, &), L#‘, &)S with L*(T’*&) = CI(L1, h I), (19 Q, 2)v t&t v; L& m and L#“, 4) = {{(La, )i, 3), (3, A l-9, (4,A2,% (5, At, Ul, U2, A, 61, (6s k L3), JO}}. P(T, N) in graphic notation: