Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Wisby Strand Congress & Event

This report is written as a part of the course VBR054 which is given at the Fire Engeneering Programme at Lund University. The purpose is to evaluate the safety regarding evacuation due to fire at Wisby Strand Congress & Event, located in the medieval part of Visby, Sweden. Wisby Strand is a newly built congress center with the capacity to hold events for up to 1000 persons. Two separate visits have been made at Wisby Strand to collect all necessary inputs and to find the potential hazards in the building. Four different scenarios have been studied using computer programs like CFAST, Simulex and DetactT2 to evaluate smoke filling and evacuation of Wisby Strand. The result from the simulations points towards that a safe evacuation cannot be validated for all of the scenarios. The main problem seems to be that the visibility is too poor and the smoke layer height is too low during the time needed for evacuation. To improve the conditions during the evacuation a number of suggestions have been made. To validate these, they have been undertaken a sensitivity analysis. Our suggestions of improvements are listed at the end of this report.