Management of Academic Information System (AIS) at Higher Education in the City of Bandung

Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze; 1) the planning and the organizing of academic information system (AIS) at higher education in the city of Bandung; 2) the implementation of AIS at higher education in the city of Bandung; 3) The monitoring and the evaluation of AIS at higher education in the city of Bandung; 4) the quality of information produced by AIS at higher education in the city of Bandung; 5) the quality of AIS at higher education in the city of Bandung and 6) the effectiveness of Academic Information Systems Management in Bandung. This research is descriptive research that taking place in the city of Bandung with all higher educations in the city of Bandung for the populations. The used selected sample is purposif sampling technique, it is higher educations that organize graduate program and adopt ICT into their academic information system. The samples come from 18 higher educations, 988 persons are lectuters and 1581 persons are students. Data is obtained by using questionnaire and it is processed by using descriptive statistical technique. The results shows that the effectiveness of the planning and the organizing of academic information systems at higher educations in the city of Bandung has been largely effective. The effectiveness of the implementation of the academic information systems is good enough. The effectiveness of the process of monitoring and evaluation of the academic information system indicates that the number of higher educations that still ineffective in their monitoring and evaluation systems is quite significant. The output of academic information system of all higher educations in the city of Bandung is good. In addition, all higher educations have a good quality information system program.