Template protection is an important issue in biometrics for security and privacy reasons. One solution for securing fingerprint data is to store it on a Secure Element (a microcircuit chipset such as a smartcard). An embedded On-Card-Comparison (OCC) module permits to compare two biometric templates and generates a similarity score. The biometric template is usually composed of minutiae extracted from the fingerprint image because a Secure element is limited in terms of memory and computation capabilities. For these reasons, a template reduction is necessary to quickly process fingerprint comparison. In this paper, we propose a new fingerprint template reduction scheme by approximating the optimal choice of minutiae with a genetic algorithm. We compared the proposed method with approaches from the literature using a fingerprint dataset and three matching algorithms. The experimental results show the benefit of the proposed method especially in order to estimate the optimal performance when reducing the fingerprint template given a number of minutiae
Christophe Rosenberger,et al.
Comparative study of minutiae selection algorithms for ISO fingerprint templates
Electronic Imaging.
John H. Holland,et al.
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence
Kenneth Ko,et al.
User's Guide to NIST Biometric Image Software (NBIS)
Davide Maltoni,et al.
Minutia Cylinder-Code: A New Representation and Matching Technique for Fingerprint Recognition
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.