Chemicals in the environment : assessing and managing risk

Chapter One: The Current Regulation of Environmental Chemicals Introduction Protection of the Water Environment Classification and Labelling of Chemicals The Notification of New Substances Regulations Existing Substances Regulations New European Chemicals Policy Other European and UK Regulations on Chemicals International Activities on Chemicals Voluntary Approaches to Control of Chemicals in the Environment References Chapter Two: Chemicals Risk Assessment and Management Introduction Types of Risk Risks and Hazards The Evidence for Harm Caused by Industrial Chemicals Cost-Benefit Perception of Chemical Risks and the Roles of the Advocates The Problems in Controlling Risks from Chemicals Industry Initiatives REACH Conclusions References Chapter Three: Future Perspectives in Risk Assessment of Chemicals Introduction Difficulties in Risk Assessment Current Developments Future Perspectives Conclusions References Chapter Four: Assessing Risks to Human Health Introduction Chemical Hazard Assessment Assessing Risk Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessment Role of Epidemiology Applications of Molecular Toxicology Uncertainties in Human Health Risk Assessment and the Role of Expert Committees The Changing Face of Chemical Regulation in Europe Future Perspectives References Chapter Five: Environmental Risk Assessment What is Environmental Risk Assessment? What are We Trying to Protect? What is the EU Legislative Framework? What are Some of the Challenges Associated with the Environmental Risk References Chapter Six: Risk Assessment of Metals in the Environment Introduction Ecological Risk Assessment Comparison of Inorganic and Organic Contaminants Problems with the Application of Traditional ERA Approaches to Metals Conclusions Acknowledgements References Chapter Seven: Partitioning, Persistence and Long-Range Transport of Chemicals in the Environment Introduction Partitioning Persistence Long-range transport Conclusions Acknowledgements References