An ad-hoc expert panel representing several medical specialities (obstetrics, paediatrics, internal medicine, pharmacology) developed recommendations for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency and anaemia during pregnancy, and after delivery. Anaemia seems to be prevalent among pregnant women all over the world, with an average incidence of 42 % (25 % in Europe). Most women start pregnancy with low or empty iron stores. The gestational iron requirement of a total of 1000 mg cannot be supplied by nutrition alone, supplements are generally necessary. The recovery post partum depends upon pre-partal iron status, and peri-partal blood loss. Recovery can be significantly improved by oral or intravenous iron administration, and in severe cases with blood transfusion. A review of the literature resulted in a state-of-the-art recommendation for a stepwise procedure for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of anaemia and iron deficiency during pregnancy and post partum, based on clinical observation and laboratory tests (mainly haemoglobin and ferritin).