Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems

Ocean boundary current systems are key components of the climate system, are home to highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishment of a global network of boundary current observing systems is a critical part of ongoing development of the Global Ocean Observing System. The characteristics of boundary current systems are reviewed, focusing on scientific and societal motivations for sustained observing. Techniques currently used to observe boundary current systems are reviewed, followed by a census of the current state of boundary current observing systems globally. Next steps in the development of boundary current observing systems are considered, leading to several specific recommendations.

[1]  Deborah S. Kelley,et al.  Sustained Observing from the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) , 2020 .

[2]  Craig M. Lee,et al.  OceanGliders: A Component of the Integrated GOOS , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[3]  T. Hamill,et al.  Ocean Observations to Improve Our Understanding, Modeling, and Forecasting of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Variability , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[4]  Thierry Carval,et al.  On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[5]  Elizabeth C. Kent,et al.  Air-Sea Fluxes With a Focus on Heat and Momentum , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[6]  C. Domingues,et al.  More Than 50 Years of Successful Continuous Temperature Section Measurements by the Global Expendable Bathythermograph Network, Its Integrability, Societal Benefits, and Future , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[7]  Patrick Heimbach,et al.  Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Observed Transport and Variability , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[8]  C. Schmid,et al.  Propagating Modes of Variability and Their Impact on the Western Boundary Current in the South Atlantic , 2019, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[9]  Tanya M. Blacic,et al.  Submesoscale Coherent Vortices in the Gulf Stream , 2019, Geophysical Research Letters.

[10]  J. Brajard,et al.  First Evidence of Anoxia and Nitrogen Loss in the Southern Canary Upwelling System , 2019, Geophysical Research Letters.

[11]  Dake Chen,et al.  Tropical Pacific Observing System , 2019, Front. Mar. Sci..

[12]  M. Alexander,et al.  On the role of climate modes in modulating the air–sea CO2 fluxes in eastern boundary upwelling systems , 2019, Biogeosciences.

[13]  F. Landerer,et al.  Teleconnection between the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Sea Level in the Mediterranean Sea , 2019, Journal of Climate.

[14]  V. Mohrholz,et al.  Coastal Trapped Wave Propagation along the Southwest African Shelf as Revealed by Moored Observations , 2019, Journal of Physical Oceanography.

[15]  D. Volkov,et al.  What Caused the Accelerated Sea Level Changes Along the U.S. East Coast During 2010–2015? , 2018, Geophysical Research Letters.

[16]  R. Feely,et al.  El Niño-Related Thermal Stress Coupled With Upwelling-Related Ocean Acidification Negatively Impacts Cellular to Population-Level Responses in Pteropods Along the California Current System With Implications for Increased Bioenergetic Costs , 2018, Front. Mar. Sci..

[17]  W. Zhang,et al.  Frontal Subduction of the Mid‐Atlantic Bight Shelf Water at the Onshore Edge of a Warm‐Core Ring , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[18]  S. Bushinsky,et al.  Biological and physical controls on the oxygen cycle in the Kuroshio Extension from an array of profiling floats , 2018, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

[19]  P Brandt,et al.  Seasonal Variability of the Mauritania Current and Hydrography at 18°N , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[20]  S. Griffies,et al.  Roles of the Ocean Mesoscale in the Horizontal Supply of Mass, Heat, Carbon, and Nutrients to the Northern Hemisphere Subtropical Gyres , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[21]  M. Roughan,et al.  Observation Impact in a Regional Reanalysis of the East Australian Current System , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[22]  R. Santoleri,et al.  Improved global surface currents from the merging of altimetry and Sea Surface Temperature data , 2018, Remote Sensing of Environment.

[23]  D. Gilbert,et al.  Rapid coastal deoxygenation due to ocean circulation shift in the NW Atlantic , 2018, Nature Climate Change.

[24]  P. Testor,et al.  Subsurface Fine-Scale Patterns in an Anticyclonic Eddy Off Cap-Vert Peninsula Observed From Glider Measurements , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[25]  N. Gruber,et al.  Mesoscale contribution to the long-range offshore transport of organic carbon from the Canary Upwelling System to the open North Atlantic , 2018, Biogeosciences.

[26]  Y. Sasai,et al.  Impact of cyclonic eddies and typhoons on biogeochemistry in the oligotrophic ocean based on biogeochemical/physical/meteorological time-series at station KEO , 2018, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science.

[27]  M. Ostrowski,et al.  Eastern Boundary Circulation and Hydrography Off Angola: Building Angolan Oceanographic Capacities , 2018, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

[28]  C. Provost,et al.  Fronts of the Malvinas Current System: Surface and Subsurface Expressions Revealed by Satellite Altimetry, Argo Floats, and Mercator Operational Model Outputs , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[29]  Mark Inall,et al.  Structure and Transport of the North Atlantic Current in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre from Sustained Glider Observations , 2018 .

[30]  C. Provost,et al.  Malvinas Current at 40°S-41°S: First Assessment of Temperature and Salinity Temporal Variability , 2018 .

[31]  R. Feely,et al.  Seasonal carbonate chemistry variability in marine surface waters of the US Pacific Northwest , 2018, Earth System Science Data.

[32]  G. Edgar,et al.  Ecosystem restructuring along the Great Barrier Reef following mass coral bleaching , 2018, Nature.

[33]  J. Palter,et al.  Gulf Stream rings as a source of iron to the North Atlantic subtropical gyre , 2018, Nature Geoscience.

[34]  A. Piola,et al.  Strong Mixing and Recirculation in the Northwestern Argentine Basin , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[35]  P. Sutton,et al.  Variability, coherence and forcing mechanisms in the New Zealand ocean boundary currents , 2018, Progress in Oceanography.

[36]  A. Chaigneau,et al.  Upper ocean hydrology of the Northern Humboldt Current System at seasonal, interannual and interdecadal scales , 2018, Progress in Oceanography.

[37]  W. Johns,et al.  The Kinematic Similarity of Two Western Boundary Currents Revealed by Sustained High‐Resolution Observations , 2018, Geophysical Research Letters.

[38]  J. Karstensen,et al.  Remote and local drivers of oxygen and nitrate variability in the shallow oxygen minimum zone off Mauritania in June 2014 , 2018, Biogeosciences.

[39]  C. Schmid,et al.  Transport variability of the Brazil Current from observations and a data assimilation model , 2018, Ocean Science.

[40]  D. Roemmich,et al.  Estimating the Velocity and Transport of Western Boundary Current Systems: A Case Study of the East Australian Current near Brisbane , 2018, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.

[41]  E. Lee,et al.  Regional Variability and Turbulent Characteristics of the Satellite‐sensed Submesoscale Surface Chlorophyll Concentrations , 2018, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

[42]  M. Kuno,et al.  In Response. , 2018, Anesthesia and analgesia.

[43]  S. Dong,et al.  Meridional Overturning Circulation Transport Variability at 34.5°S During 2009–2017: Baroclinic and Barotropic Flows and the Dueling Influence of the Boundaries , 2018 .

[44]  P. Gaube,et al.  Mesoscale eddies influence the movements of mature female white sharks in the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea , 2018, Scientific Reports.

[45]  B. deYoung,et al.  Ekman and Eddy Exchange of Freshwater and Oxygen across the Labrador Shelf Break , 2018 .

[46]  Jochen Horstmann,et al.  Near-surface current mapping by shipboard marine X-band radar: A validation , 2018 .

[47]  K. Fujioka,et al.  Habitat use and movement patterns of small (age‐0) juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) relative to the Kuroshio , 2018 .

[48]  C. Schmid,et al.  A study of the variability in the Benguela Current volume transport , 2018 .

[49]  Lucy R. Wyatt,et al.  Assessment of Surface Currents Measured With High-Frequency Phased-Array Radars in Two Regions of Complex Circulation , 2018, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.

[50]  H. Nakano,et al.  Fifty years of the 137°E repeat hydrographic section in the western North Pacific Ocean , 2018, Journal of Oceanography.

[51]  L. Beal,et al.  Observed Agulhas Current Sensitivity to Interannual and Long-Term Trend Atmospheric Forcings , 2018 .

[52]  F. Bahr,et al.  Continuous Flow of Upper Labrador Sea Water around Cape Hatteras , 2018, Scientific Reports.

[53]  Hilary I. Palevsky,et al.  The North Atlantic Biological Pump: Insights from the Ocean Observatories Initiative Irminger Sea Array , 2018 .

[54]  S. Kim,et al.  Diagnostic Characteristics of Submesoscale Coastal Surface Currents , 2018 .

[55]  R. Todd,et al.  The Changing Nature of Shelf-Break Exchange Revealed by the OOI Pioneer Array , 2018 .

[56]  Gonzalo S. Saldías,et al.  Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Physical and Biological Properties along the Endurance Array of the California Current Ecosystem , 2018 .

[57]  Glen Gawarkiewicz,et al.  Atmospheric and Offshore Forcing of Temperature Variability at the Shelf Break , 2018 .

[58]  Taylor G. Asher,et al.  Transient Response of the Gulf Stream to Multiple Hurricanes in 2017 , 2018, Geophysical Research Letters.

[59]  T. Frölicher,et al.  Emerging risks from marine heat waves , 2018, Nature Communications.

[60]  John A. Barth,et al.  The Ocean Observatories Initiative , 2018, Front. Mar. Sci..

[61]  C. Provost,et al.  Malvinas Current Volume Transport at 41°S: A 24 Yearlong Time Series Consistent With Mooring Data From 3 Decades and Satellite Altimetry , 2017 .

[62]  H. Simmons,et al.  Internal Waves in the East Australian Current , 2017 .

[63]  R. Greatbatch,et al.  Role of Equatorial Basin-Mode Resonance for the Seasonal Variability of the Angola Current at 11°S , 2017 .

[64]  C. Provost,et al.  Satellite Altimetry and Current-Meter Velocities in the Malvinas Current at 41°S: Comparisons and Modes of Variations: ALTIMETRY AND CURRENT METER IN THE MC , 2017 .

[65]  N. Putman,et al.  First satellite tracks of South Atlantic sea turtle ‘lost years’: seasonal variation in trans-equatorial movement , 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

[66]  J. Arístegui,et al.  Trends in Primary Production in the Canary Current Upwelling System—A Regional Perspective Comparing Remote Sensing Models , 2017, Front. Mar. Sci..

[67]  S. Speich,et al.  Moored observations of mesoscale features in the Cape Basin: characteristics and local impacts on water mass distributions , 2017, Ocean Science.

[68]  W. Johns,et al.  The Surface Velocity Structure of the Florida Current in a Jet Coordinate Frame , 2017 .

[69]  M. Roughan,et al.  On the Variability of the East Australian Current: Jet Structure, Meandering, and Influence on Shelf Circulation , 2017 .

[70]  C. Wunsch,et al.  Global ocean vertical velocity from a dynamically consistent ocean state estimate , 2017 .

[71]  J. Toole,et al.  Moored observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the NW Atlantic: 2004-2014 , 2017 .

[72]  Xuebin Zhang,et al.  Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Temperature in the Southwest Pacific and the Role of Ocean Dynamics , 2017 .

[73]  Stephen C. Riser,et al.  Biogeochemical sensor performance in the SOCCOM profiling float array , 2017 .

[74]  Arun Kumar,et al.  An assessment of air–sea heat fluxes from ocean and coupled reanalyses , 2017, Climate Dynamics.

[75]  D. Rudnick,et al.  Mindanao Current and Undercurrent: Thermohaline Structure and Transport from Repeat Glider Observations , 2017 .

[76]  N. Bindoff,et al.  The unprecedented 2015/16 Tasman Sea marine heatwave , 2017, Nature Communications.

[77]  R. Feely,et al.  Exposure history determines pteropod vulnerability to ocean acidification along the US West Coast , 2017, Scientific Reports.

[78]  R. Atlas,et al.  OSSE quantitative assessment of rapid-response prestorm ocean surveys to improve coupled tropical cyclone prediction , 2017 .

[79]  J. Resing,et al.  The Solomon Sea: its circulation, chemistry, geochemistry and biology explored during two oceanographic cruises , 2017 .

[80]  R. Todd High-frequency internal waves and thick bottom mixed layers observed by gliders in the Gulf Stream , 2017 .

[81]  R. Feely,et al.  Variability and trends in surface seawater pCO2 and CO2 flux in the Pacific Ocean , 2017 .

[82]  M. Muglia,et al.  Implementing Quality Control of High-Frequency Radar Estimates and Application to Gulf Stream Surface Currents , 2017 .

[83]  S. Clayton,et al.  Nutrient interleaving below the mixed layer of the Kuroshio Extension Front , 2017, Ocean Dynamics.

[84]  R. Todd,et al.  Underwater glider observations and the representation of western boundary currents in numerical models , 2017 .

[85]  Stephen C. Riser,et al.  The Argo Program : present and future , 2017 .

[86]  L. S. Laurent,et al.  Measurements of near-surface turbulence and mixing from autonomous ocean gliders , 2017 .

[87]  A. Mariano,et al.  An improved near-surface velocity climatology for the global ocean from drifter observations , 2017 .

[88]  L. Wyatt,et al.  Lagrangian and Eulerian characterization of two counter‐rotating submesoscale eddies in a western boundary current , 2017 .

[89]  Craig M. Lee,et al.  Northern Arabian Sea Circulation Autonomous Research (NASCar) A RESEARCH INITIATIVE BASED ON AUTONOMOUS SENSORS , 2017 .

[90]  M. Roughan,et al.  Subsurface intensification of marine heatwaves off southeastern Australia: The role of stratification and local winds , 2017 .

[91]  Fangguo Zhai,et al.  The vertical structure and variability of the western boundary currents east of the Philippines: case study from in situ observations from December 2010 to August 2014 , 2017, Journal of Oceanography.

[92]  R. He,et al.  Marine hydrokinetic energy in the gulf stream off North Carolina: An assessment using observations and ocean circulation models , 2017 .

[93]  M. Roughan,et al.  Characterizing frontal eddies along the East Australian Current from HF radar observations , 2017 .

[94]  R. Davis,et al.  A climatology of the California Current System from a network of underwater gliders , 2017 .

[95]  Noel Keenlyside,et al.  Atmospheric Signature of the Agulhas Current , 2017, Geophysical Research Letters.

[96]  P. Richard,et al.  Trophic structure in the northern Humboldt Current system: new perspectives from stable isotope analysis , 2017 .

[97]  J. Karstensen,et al.  From interannual to decadal: 17 years of boundary current transports at the exit of the Labrador Sea , 2017 .

[98]  S. Ito,et al.  Long-term mean and seasonal variation of altimetry-derived Oyashio transport across the A-line off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan , 2017 .

[99]  Richard A. Feely,et al.  Estimating Total Alkalinity in the Washington State Coastal Zone: Complexities and Surprising Utility for Ocean Acidification Research , 2017, Estuaries and Coasts.

[100]  Hisashi Nakamura,et al.  Importance of Resolving Kuroshio Front and Eddy Influence in Simulating the North Pacific Storm Track , 2017 .

[101]  José Garcés-Vargas,et al.  Water-column cooling and sea surface salinity increase in the upwelling region off central-south Chile driven by a poleward displacement of the South Pacific High , 2017 .

[102]  M. Ostrowski,et al.  The Angola Current: Flow and hydrographic characteristics as observed at 11°S , 2017 .

[103]  M. Cronin,et al.  Mixed‐layer carbon cycling at the Kuroshio Extension Observatory , 2017 .

[104]  R. Todd,et al.  Absolute Velocity Estimates from Autonomous Underwater Gliders Equipped with Doppler Current Profilers , 2017 .

[105]  Bruce M. Howe,et al.  A Seaglider-Integrated Digital Monitor for Bioacoustic Sensing , 2017, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.

[106]  Jonathan Gula,et al.  Submesoscale cyclones in the Agulhas current , 2017 .

[107]  D. Dausse,et al.  On the Dynamics of the Southern Senegal Upwelling Center: Observed Variability from Synoptic to Superinertial Scales , 2017 .

[108]  L. Beal,et al.  Wind and Current Forcing Combine to Drive Strong Upwelling in the Agulhas Current , 2017 .

[109]  L. Centurioni,et al.  Advances in the Application of Surface Drifters. , 2017, Annual review of marine science.

[110]  R. He,et al.  Marine Hydrokinetic Energy from Western Boundary Currents. , 2017, Annual review of marine science.

[111]  E. Achterberg,et al.  Ocean acidification impacts bacteria – phytoplankton coupling at low-nutrient conditions , 2017 .

[112]  M. Follows,et al.  Co‐existence of distinct Ostreococcus ecotypes at an oceanic front , 2017 .

[113]  P. Quay,et al.  Influence of biological carbon export on ocean carbon uptake over the annual cycle across the North Pacific Ocean , 2017 .

[114]  Ingo Richter,et al.  Challenges and Prospects for Reducing Coupled Climate Model SST Biases in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: The U.S. CLIVAR Eastern Tropical Oceans Synthesis Working Group , 2016 .

[115]  N. Bindoff,et al.  On the Leeuwin Current System and Its Linkage to Zonal Flows in the South Indian Ocean as Inferred from a Gridded Hydrography , 2016 .

[116]  O. Pizarro,et al.  Underwater Glider Observations in the Oxygen Minimum Zone off Central Chile , 2016 .

[117]  H. Mihanovic,et al.  Diurnal Sea Breezes Force Near-Inertial Waves along Rottnest Continental Shelf, Southwestern Australia , 2016 .

[118]  L. Beal,et al.  Broadening not strengthening of the Agulhas Current since the early 1990s , 2016, Nature.

[119]  K. Rodgers,et al.  The formation of the ocean’s anthropogenic carbon reservoir , 2016, Scientific Reports.

[120]  S. Ito,et al.  Relationship between coastal water properties and adult return of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) along the Sanriku coast, Japan , 2016 .

[121]  Emanuele Di Lorenzo,et al.  Multi-year persistence of the 2014/15 North Pacific marine heatwave , 2016 .

[122]  P. Oke,et al.  Development and evaluation of a high-resolution reanalysis of the East Australian Current region using the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS 3.4) and Incremental Strong-Constraint 4-Dimensional Variational (IS4D-Var) data assimilation , 2016 .

[123]  Robert Atlas,et al.  Future Observing System Simulation Experiments , 2016 .

[124]  Edmo Campos,et al.  Characteristics and causes of Deep Western Boundary Current transport variability at 34.5° S during 2009–2014 , 2016 .

[125]  K. Hanawa,et al.  Heat transport variation due to change of North Pacific subtropical gyre interior flow during 1993–2012 , 2016, Ocean Dynamics.

[126]  R. Domingues,et al.  Remote sources for year-to-year changes in the seasonality of the Florida Current transport , 2016 .

[127]  D. Siegel,et al.  Assessing controls on cross‐shelf phytoplankton and suspended particle distributions using repeated bio‐optical glider surveys , 2016 .

[128]  M. Andres,et al.  On the recent destabilization of the Gulf Stream path downstream of Cape Hatteras , 2016 .

[129]  A. Taschetto,et al.  Projected changes to South Atlantic boundary currents and confluence region in the CMIP5 models: the role of wind and deep ocean changes , 2016 .

[130]  R. Feely,et al.  Using present-day observations to detect when anthropogenic change forces surface ocean carbonate chemistry outside preindustrial bounds , 2016 .

[131]  E. King,et al.  Descriptor : Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia , 2016 .

[132]  S. Siedlecki,et al.  The influence of Pacific equatorial water on fish diversity in the southern California Current System , 2016 .

[133]  Dana D. Swift,et al.  Accurate oxygen measurements on modified Argo floats using in situ air calibrations , 2016 .

[134]  Jiping Liu,et al.  Intensification and poleward shift of subtropical western boundary currents in a warming climate , 2016 .

[135]  C. Provost,et al.  Malvinas Current variability from Argo floats and satellite altimetry , 2016 .

[136]  J. Barth,et al.  Intraseasonal Cross-Shelf Variability of Hypoxia along the Newport, Oregon, Hydrographic Line , 2016 .

[137]  Gregory D. Williams,et al.  Experiments with Seasonal Forecasts of ocean conditions for the Northern region of the California Current upwelling system , 2016, Scientific Reports.

[138]  Irina Koester,et al.  Biological Impacts of the 2013–2015 Warm-Water Anomaly in the Northeast Pacific: Winners, Losers, and the Future , 2016 .

[139]  G. Goñi,et al.  An assessment of the Brazil Current baroclinic structure and variability near 22° S in Distinct Ocean Forecasting and Analysis Systems , 2016, Ocean Dynamics.

[140]  J. Sheng,et al.  Hydrography and Coastal Circulation along the Halifax Line and the Connections with the Gulf of St. Lawrence , 2016 .

[141]  C. Sabine,et al.  Consideration of coastal carbonate chemistry in understanding biological calcification , 2016 .

[142]  A. Eggert,et al.  Seasonal and interannual phytoplankton dynamics and forcing mechanisms in the Northern Benguela upwelling system , 2016 .

[143]  Benjamin Kirtman,et al.  Atlantic near‐term climate variability and the role of a resolved Gulf Stream , 2016 .

[144]  B. Qiu,et al.  Influence of the Decadal Variability of the Kuroshio Extension on the Atmospheric Circulation in the Cold Season , 2016 .

[145]  Erik Schultes,et al.  The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship , 2016, Scientific Data.

[146]  P. Testor,et al.  Upwelling and isolation in oxygen-depleted anticyclonic modewater eddies and implications for nitrate cycling , 2016 .

[147]  B. Sloyan,et al.  The East Australian Current and Property Transport at 27°S from 2012 to 2013 , 2016 .

[148]  Richard A. Feely,et al.  Interpretation and design of ocean acidification experiments in upwelling systems in the context of carbonate chemistry co-variation with temperature and oxygen , 2016 .

[149]  T. Saino,et al.  Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment (INBOX): Part 2. Biogeochemical responses to eddies and typhoons revealed from the S1 mooring and shipboard measurements , 2016 .

[150]  R. Inoue,et al.  Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment (INBOX) , 2016 .

[151]  D. Rudnick,et al.  The 2014–2015 warming anomaly in the Southern California Current System observed by underwater gliders , 2016 .

[152]  A. Sterl,et al.  Fifteen years of ocean observations with the global Argo array , 2016 .

[153]  Alistair J. Hobday,et al.  A hierarchical approach to defining marine heatwaves , 2016 .

[154]  P. Quay,et al.  The annual cycle of gross primary production, net community production, and export efficiency across the North Pacific Ocean , 2016 .

[155]  Shoshiro Minobe,et al.  The influence of the Gulf Stream on wintertime European blocking , 2016, Climate Dynamics.

[156]  Fan Wang,et al.  Interannual Variability of the Mindanao Current/Undercurrent in Direct Observations and Numerical Simulations , 2016 .

[157]  Daniel L. Rudnick,et al.  Potential Vorticity Structure in the North Atlantic Western Boundary Current from Underwater Glider Observations , 2016 .

[158]  D. Rudnick Ocean Research Enabled by Underwater Gliders. , 2016, Annual review of marine science.

[159]  Dennis A. Hansell,et al.  Changes in Ocean Heat, Carbon Content, and Ventilation: A Review of the First Decade of GO-SHIP Global Repeat Hydrography. , 2016, Annual review of marine science.

[160]  T. Yamagata,et al.  A Regional Climate Mode Discovered in the North Atlantic: Dakar Niño/Niña , 2016, Scientific Reports.

[161]  M. Rhein,et al.  Coastal upwelling off Peru and Mauritania inferred from helium isotope disequilibrium , 2015 .

[162]  Emlyn Jones,et al.  Physical and biogeochemical spatial scales of variability in the East Australian Current separation from shelf glider measurements , 2015 .

[163]  R. Feely,et al.  Chemical and biological impacts of ocean acidification along the west coast of North America , 2015 .

[164]  Nikolai Maximenko,et al.  A global inventory of small floating plastic debris , 2015 .

[165]  L. Centurioni,et al.  Mean Structure and Fluctuations of the Kuroshio East of Taiwan from In Situ and Remote Observations , 2015 .

[166]  Daniel L. Rudnick,et al.  The Mindanao Current: Mean Structure and Connectivity , 2015 .

[167]  L. Centurioni,et al.  Mean Structure and Variability of the Kuroshio from Northeastern Taiwan to Southwestern Japan , 2015 .

[168]  Craig M. Lee,et al.  A New Look at Circulation in the Western North Pacific: Introduction to the Special Issue , 2015 .

[169]  Craig M. Lee,et al.  The Kuroshio and Luzon Undercurrent East of Luzon Island , 2015 .

[170]  A. Piola,et al.  Evidence of upwelling events at the northern Patagonian shelf break , 2015 .

[171]  N. Holbrook,et al.  Projected changes to Tasman Sea eddies in a future climate , 2015 .

[172]  M. Cronin,et al.  Estimating diffusivity from the mixed layer heat and salt balances in the North Pacific , 2015 .

[173]  Jonathan V. Durgadoo,et al.  On the suitability of North Brazil Current transport estimates for monitoring basin‐scale AMOC changes , 2015 .

[174]  J. S. Godfrey,et al.  The source of the Leeuwin Current seasonality , 2015 .

[175]  S. Dong,et al.  Temporal variability of the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation between 20°S and 35°S , 2015 .

[176]  Glen Gawarkiewicz,et al.  Dynamics of the direct intrusion of Gulf Stream ring water onto the Mid‐Atlantic Bight shelf , 2015 .

[177]  Jonathan V. Durgadoo,et al.  Interannual to decadal changes in the western boundary circulation in the Atlantic at 11°S , 2015 .

[178]  A. Lazar,et al.  A model study of the seasonality of sea surface temperature and circulation in the Atlantic North-eastern Tropical Upwelling System , 2015, Front. Phys..

[179]  Lisa M. Beal,et al.  Characteristics, Energetics, and Origins of Agulhas Current Meanders and Their Limited Influence on Ring Shedding , 2015 .

[180]  Rosemary Morrow,et al.  Main eddy vertical structures observed in the four major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems , 2015 .

[181]  Volker Ratmeyer,et al.  Time series of in-situ particle properties and sediment trap fluxes in the coastal upwelling filament off Cape Blanc, Mauritania , 2015 .

[182]  W. Sweet,et al.  Accelerated sea level rise and Florida Current transport , 2015 .

[183]  A. Gordon,et al.  Pacific western boundary currents and their roles in climate , 2015, Nature.

[184]  Masao Ishii,et al.  Decadal variability of Subtropical Mode Water subduction and its impact on biogeochemistry , 2015, Journal of Oceanography.

[185]  T. Ezer Detecting changes in the transport of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic overturning circulation from coastal sea level data: The extreme decline in 2009–2010 and estimated variations for 1935–2012 , 2015 .

[186]  G. Piccinini The Mechanistic Account , 2015 .

[187]  Lisa M. Beal,et al.  Capturing the Transport Variability of a Western Boundary Jet: Results from the Agulhas Current Time-Series Experiment (ACT)* , 2015 .

[188]  F. Chavez,et al.  Seasonal regulation of primary production in eastern boundary upwelling systems , 2015 .

[189]  T. O'Kane,et al.  Drivers of decadal variability in the Tasman Sea , 2015 .

[190]  I. Richter Climate model biases in the eastern tropical oceans: causes, impacts and ways forward , 2015 .

[191]  A. Piola,et al.  Altimeter‐derived seasonal circulation on the southwest Atlantic shelf: 27°–43°S , 2015, Journal of geophysical research. Oceans.

[192]  S. Ito,et al.  Interdecadal decrease of the Oyashio transport on the continental slope off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan , 2015 .

[193]  Xi Liang,et al.  Strengthening Kuroshio observed at its origin during November 2010 to October 2012 , 2015 .

[194]  T. Suga,et al.  Long-term variations of North Pacific Tropical Water along the 137°E repeat hydrographic section , 2015, Journal of Oceanography.

[195]  W. Peterson A Review of “Regional Fisheries Oceanography of the California Current System: The CalCOFI Program” , 2015 .

[196]  R. Rykaczewski,et al.  Anticipated Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems , 2015, Current Climate Change Reports.

[197]  T. Qu,et al.  Spatial structure and temporal variability of the zonal flow in the Luzon Strait , 2015 .

[198]  T. M. Johnston,et al.  Trapped diurnal internal tides, propagating semidiurnal internal tides, and mixing estimates in the California Current System from sustained glider observations, 2006–2012 , 2015 .

[199]  Amandine Schaeffer,et al.  Influence of a western boundary current on shelf dynamics and upwelling from repeat glider deployments , 2015 .

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[201]  Daniel L. Rudnick,et al.  Cyclonic Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico: Observations by Underwater Gliders and Simulations by Numerical Model , 2015 .

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