FDTD computation of lightning surges on overhead wires in the presence of corona discharge

In this paper, a simplified model of corona discharge for the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) computations has been applied to analyzing a lightning surge propagating along a 12.65-mm-radius and 1.4-km long overhead horizontal wire, which simulates the experiment of Inoue (1983). The critical electric field on the surface of the 12.65-mm-radius wire for corona initiation is set to E0 = 1.4, 2.4 or 2.9 MV/m. The critical background electric field for streamer propagation is set to Ecp = 0.5 MV/m for positive voltage applications, and Ecn = 1.5 MV/m for negative voltage applications. The FDTD-computed waveforms of surge voltage at different distances from the energized end of the wire agree reasonably well with the corresponding measured waveforms.