Pathways to a Leadership Legacy: Pursuing Professional Publication
Ask almost any nurse to complete this sentence and he or she can do it: If it isn't documented, ____________________. Unfortunately the adage holds true for leadership activities as well. How many of us have had the experience of being at a meeting, listening to the podium presenter discuss the latest "new" idea, only to recall that we had in fact implemented the same idea some years ago but never quite got around to writing about it? (The answer to the above, of course, is: it wasn't done.)
[1] E. Boyer. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate , 1990 .
[2] G. Breeuwsma. Geruchten als besmettelijke ziekte. Het succesverhaal van de Hush Puppies. Bespreking van Malcolm Gladwell, The tipping point. How little things can make a big difference. London: Little, Brown and Company, 2000 , 2000 .