Student Clustering Based on Learning Behavior Data in the Intelligent Tutoring System

The idea of clustering students according to their online learning behavior has the potential of providingmoreadaptivescaffoldingbytheintelligenttutoringsystemitselforbyahumanteacher. WiththeaimofidentifyingstudentgroupswhowouldbenefitfromthesameinterventioninACwareTutor, this researchexaminedonline learningbehaviorusing8 trackingvariables: the total numberofcontentpagesseeninthelearningprocess;thetotalnumberofconcepts;thetotalonline score;thetotaltimespentonline;thetotalnumberoflogins;thestereotypeaftertheinitialtest,the finalstereotype,andthemeanstereotypevariability.Thepreviousmeasureswereusedinafour-step analysisthatconsistedofdatapreprocessing,dimensionalityreduction,theclustering,andtheanalysis ofaposttestperformanceonacontentproficiencyexam.Theresultswerealsousedtoconstructthe decisiontreeinordertogetahuman-readabledescriptionofstudentclusters. KEywoRDS Blended Learning, Clustering, Decision Tree, Educational Data Mining, Flipped Classroom, Intelligent Tutoring System, Online Learning Behavior, Principal Component Analysis

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