Study of orthogonal SSB modulation method

This paper proposes a new SSB-QPSK modulation/demodulation method. The present method multiplexes the USB (Upper Side Band) and LSB (Lower Side Band) of a QPSK-modulated SSB (Single Side Band) on the same SSB complex frequency band. The present method thus achieves 2 bit/s/Hz. This method is an orthogonal SSB-QPSK method, because the multiplex signals are orthogonal to each other. The demodulator consists of two SSB demodulators. A simulation result in AWGN conditions, shows that the proposed method has better BER (Bit Error Rate) performance than 16QAM. The degradation of BER in comparison with QPSK is less than 0.2 dB on Eb/No (bit-energy-to-noise-power ratio). In a fading/Doppler environment, the BER performance of the orthogonal SSB-QPSK is the same as that of QPSK.