[Effects of the association of sulbutiamine with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in early stage and moderate Alzheimer disease].

The efficacy of the inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is moderated and some patients do not respond to these treatments. Sulbutiamine potentializes cholinergic and glutamatergic transmissions, mainly in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. This multicentric, randomized and double-blind trial evaluates the effects of the association of sulbutiamine to an anticholinesterasic drug in cognitive functions in patients with AD at an early stage (episodic memory, working memory, executive functions, attention). Patients had first donepezil (D) or sulbutiamine (S) during three months. During this period, only attention improved in both groups. During the three following months, a placebo (P) in patients D and donepezil in patients S were added. Compared to entry results, episodic memory decreased in group D + P but improved in group S + D. At the same time the improvement of attention persisted in both groups. Daylife activities only improved in group S + D. In conclusion sulbutiamine can be an adjuvant to treatment in early stage and moderate AD by anticholinesterasic drugs.