Brazil is the second country in the total mangrove area with 13,000 km2 and also holds the largest continuous area of mangrove forest in the world that is located in the coast of the legal Amazon area with approximately 7,591.09 km2. The model developed in this paper is computer model to simulate the mangrove pattern of response to sea-level rise (SLR). During the modeling experiment it was possible to observe that the mangrove migrated to areas under little influence of anthropogenic uses and that present propitious conditions for the colonization of the SLR elevation were the ones located further from the anthropogenic uses. In the Brazilian coastal zone, modeling experiments can be used to aid decision-making and the formation of mitigation measures to climate change, through management tools of the soil division, already in use by existing legislation, such as: the cities master plan, coastal zoning and economic ecological zoning. Keywords—Environmental Modeling, Climate Changes, Rising sea Level. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-1, Jan2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O) Page | 186 I. INTRODUTION Brazil is the second country in the total mangrove areawith 13,000 km (Spalding; Kainumaand; Collins, 2010) and also holds the largest continuous area of mangrove forest in the world that is located in the coast of the legal Amazon area with approximately 7,591.09 km(Wilson et al., 2013). Therefore, understand the resistance pattern of the mangrove ecosystem to the potential impacts of climate change for conservation/preservation and/or mitigation is a big challenge. Howerver, few studies have been directed to understand and simulate the response patterns of the mangroves to climate change in Brazilian territory. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS The Maranhão Island, in the northeast of Brazil was selected as a case study for the exercise of modeling proposed here as it presents mixed characteristics and geographical specificities of different degrees of susceptibility of the mangrove to sea-level rise such as: presence of a vast area of mangrove forest, large amplitude of tides (up to 6 m) and for being heavily influenced by urbanization which causes numerous impacts to the