Combustion: A Study in Theory, Fact and Application
Part 1 Combustion of gases: fundamentals of chemical kinetics - reaction rates, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetic rate equations flame propagation in laminar flows - aerodynamics, dynamic stability, flammability limits flame propagation in turbulent flows - vortex stretching, combustion models, wrinkled laminar flame and local reaction models ignition and flame stabilization explosion and detonation diffusion flames. Part 2 Combustion of liquids and solids: combustion of droplets and sprays combustion of coal, combustion of char, transformations of ash, fixed-bed and fluidized-bed combustion free-burning fires - cellulosic materials, fire suppression combustion of condensed systems - the SHS process, combustion of solid propellants environmental aspects of combustion - major pollutants, clean systems. Part 3 Combustion design and research fundamentals: application of chemical reactor theory to combustor design physical modeling of combustion processes - similarity theory basic diagnostic techniques in combustion - measurements, visualization, diagnostics combustion in practical systems - gas-turbibes, boilers, LCVG. Appendices: The earliest scientific definition of combustion and flame data for thermochemical calculations.