납 축전지 병렬운전시 발생하는 전류 불평형 현상분석 및 대책

A battery is the device that transforms the chemical energy into the direct-current electrical energy directly without a mechanical process, Unit cells are connected m series to obtain the necessary voltage, while being connected m parallel to organize capacity for load current and to decrease the internal resistance for corresponding the sudden shift of the load current. The circular-current, however, could be occurred when the system IS driven in parallel. As a result. the new batteries are heated by over-charge and discharge, and the over charge current makes to increase the rust of the positive grid and consequently the shortened life of the new battens would be shown, In this paper, the internal resistance of each set will be constant and the current of charge and discharge will be balanced, through inserting the resistance into the system by way of calculation of the changed amount of internal resistance.