Hartmann's Plant Science: Growth, Development, and Utilization of Cultivated Plants

UNIT I: Environmental, Cultural, and Social Factors that Influence the Cultivation and Utilization of Plants CHAPTER 1: History, Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Plant Science CHAPTER 2: Terrestial Ecosystems CHAPTER 3: Human Impact on Ecosystems CHAPTER 4: Climate - Solar Radiation and Moisture Availability CHAPTER 5: Climate - Temperature, Air Movement, and Composition CHAPTER 6: Soil and Managing Soil, Soil Water, and Fdertility CHAPTER 7: Itegrated Management of Weeds, Insects, and Diseases UNIT II: Plant Structure, Chemistry, Growth and Development, Genetics, and Biodiversity CHAPTER 8: Structure of Higher Plants CHAPTER 9: Stages of Growth and Development CHAPTER 10: Plant Chemistry and Metabolism CHAPTER 11: Photosynthesis and Respiration CHAPTER 12: Soil and Plant Water Relations CHAPTER 13: Plant Nutrients CHAPTER 14: Genetics and Propagation CHAPTER 15: Crop Biodiversity: Naming, Classifying, Origin, and Germplam Preservation UNIT III: Crops: Their Production and Utilization Systems CHAPTER 16: Field Crops Grown for Food, Fiber, Fuel, and Other Industrial Uses CHAPTER 17: Forage Crops and Rangelands CHAPTER 18: Vegetable Production CHAPTER 19: Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops CHAPTER 20: Tropical and Subtropical Crops and Crop Production Systems CHAPTER 21: Nursery Production CHAPTER 22: Landscape Plants: Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Deciduous Trees and Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants CHAPTER 23: Floriculture CHAPTER 24: Turfgrasses CHAPTER 25: Residential and Public Landscapes CHAPTER 26: Harvest, Post-Harvest Handling, Storage, Distribution, and Marketing APPENDIX GLOSSARY INDEX