Automation of Software Testing Process using UML

The software testing community had much less awareness and debate about UML then software design and development communities, and has largely been absent as the modeling standard was developed. This is an important issue, because in many software development organizations, the cost of testing can account for more than 40% of the total development cost for a software system.In software engineering, system modeling is the process of formulating a representation of a real system in an abstract way to understand its behavior. Software testing encourages reusing these models for testing purpose. This expedites the process of test case generation. The objective of this paper is to explore the possibility of using the UML for software testing and how much does development of code cost with and without the models. This paper emphasis on automation of software testing which is widely used in organizations to reduce manual effort and project cost. The testing process that encourages the automation of software testing is Model based testing i.e, MBT. This testing process is based on using the modeling techniques that are defined in Unified modeling language. UML structural and behavioral specification diagrams have been used by testing researchers for generation of test scenarios and test data.