Since 1976, when Legionella pneumophila was first characterized, more than 34 species of this gram-negative, aerobic, non—spore-forming, unencapsulated bacillus have been described. Legionella pneumophila accounts for 85% of reported cases of pneumonia caused by Legionella . Of the remaining 15%, 60% are caused by Legionella micdadei. Legionella micdadei was first discovered in 1977 at the University of Pittsburgh (Pa) as a gram-negative, weakly acid-fast bacillus isolated from the lung tissue of patients who had undergone renal transplantation and developed pneumonitis. Legionella micdadei has emerged as a significant cause of nosocomial pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. We describe a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who suffered from pneumonia caused by L micdadei and review the literature on this topic. Report of a Case. A 44-year-old white man with SLE diagnosed in 1981 experienced fevers (body temperature, 39.4°C) and headaches 1 week prior to admission to the hospital. In the past, he had
V. Yu,et al.
Disease Due to the Legionellaceae (Other than Legionella pneumophila): Historical, Microbiological, Clinical, and Epidemiological Review
E. Wing,et al.
A comparative study of Legionella micdadei and other nosocomial acquired pneumonia.
J. Milder,et al.
Legionella micdadei (Pittsburgh pneumonia agent). Two infections with unusual clinical features.
V. Yu,et al.
Pneumonia Due to the Pittsburgh Pneumonia Agent: New Clinical Perspective with a Review of the Literature