Neurosurgical suite of the future. I.

Although the past 10 years have seen a huge influx of technology into the operating room, the environment within which this technology is used has not been greatly modified. The result is a poorly integrated collection of machines and an overcrowded situation in the floor space around the operating room table. Clearly, many areas are open for improvement in the process of surgery, from booking a case to carrying out the operation. Newer operating room designs need to incorporate the flexibility to handle the ever-increasing digital information load that is being generated and that is necessary for the surgical environment to be efficient in time and cost. Room for expansion without major reconstruction should also be incorporated in these designs. In addition, because one operating room design cannot be all things to all specialties, specialized room designs for surgical services would be practical and necessary. The next 10 years will offer the opportunity to make some of these changes, and many groups are working toward making them a reality.