The Methods of Analysis for Raising the Energy Efficiency and the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases

For the formation of affordable energy supply, which is a challenge of the 21 century, it is of paramount importance to raise energy efficiency thus reducing the emission of the greenhouse gas (GG) and global warming. The impact of the infrastructure and its development upon the raising of energy efficiency are studied taking into consideration the weather conditions and their fluctuations. The buildings in the new EU member states from Central and East European countries have poor thermal parameters, and their improvement may give great economy of energy. The new EU Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services provides for remarkable decrease in the energy consumption during the next 10 years. Since the previous practice shows that the improvement of thermal parameters of buildings is a long-term process, innovative management methods are being investigated how to raise energy efficiency and attain sooner and greater reduction in the energy consumption.