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This document describes the prototype developed during the first year of the project. The features of this prototype, called PPC are based on our experience in a previous tool called “Avispa” developed for a particular multiprocessor and a particular problem (iterative methods for sparse systems). Some new functionalities that are specific for Grid environments as well as other kernels are also implemented in this prototype, and will be added in future versions. We developed the prototype for the matrix-vector product and other kernels of sparse matrix algebra, as well as for the vertlq routine extracted from one of the applications of task 1.4. DELIVERABLE D2.3 Part V: Prototype Documentation for the Performance Prediction Component CG2.4.2-D2.3-v1.2-USC002PrototypeDoc PUBLIC 2 / 28 Delivery Slip Name Partner Date Signature From Francisco F. Rivera USC 15/01/2003 Verified by Celso Martínez Rivero, Antonio Fuentes CSIC, RedIRIS 07/02/2003
[1] Performance Prediction for Parallel Iterative Solvers , 2002, International Conference on Computational Science.