
The 2021 7th International Symposium on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation System (ISSMAS 2021) was held on January 29-31, 2021 as a virtual conference due to the growing concerns over the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), and in order to protect the well-being of our attendees, partners, and staff as our number one priority. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation System and related areas. This scientific event brings together more than 100 national and international researchers in Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation System. On top of the local participants coming from different national universities, international participants are also registered from different countries, namely Germany, India, Malaysia. During the conference, the conference model was divided into three sessions, including oral presentations, keynote speeches, and online Q&A discussion. In the first part, some scholars, whose submissions were selected as the excellent papers, were given about 5-10 minutes to perform their oral presentations one by one. Then in the second part, keynote speakers were each allocated 30-45 minutes to hold their speeches. In the keynote presentations part, we invited three professors as our keynote speakers. The first keynote speakers, Prof. Xiaochuan Chen, from College of Mechanics of Donghua University, China was invited to present his talk Finite element analysis of cotton ginning state based on ANSYS. In his keynote speech, in order to analyze the stress condition of the seed cotton in the process of cotton gin and improve the quality of lint, a new cotton model was presented based on the idea of composite laminate---laminated cotton model. Prof. Shahid Hussain, from Jiangsu University, China was our second keynote speakers. He presented a talk: New Diversities in Nanomaterials for Gas Sensing Application. His presentation discussed that in the recent years, metal sulfide nanostructured materials have become established in different research fields thanks to their excellent properties. Assoc. Prof. Yiyang Chen, from School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Soochow University, China as our finale keynote speakers. He presented a talk: The Background Theory and Recent Progress of Iterative Learning Control. The novelty of this talk concentrated on the cooperation between the advantages of ILC and massive repetitive industrial manufacturing tasks, so that a targeted ILC algorithm can be developed to bring a competitive application perspect as well as significant economic effect. The proceedings are a compilation of the accepted papers and represent an interesting outcome of the conference. Topics include but are not limited to the following areas: Sensors, Actuators and Their Applications, Multi-sensor Information Fusion Technology, Measurement Methods, Technologies and Their Applications, Smart Materials, Design, Processing and Smart Structures and more related topics. All the papers have been through rigorous review and process to meet the requirements of International publication standard. We would like to acknowledge all of those who supported ISSMAS 2021. The help and contribution of each individual and institution was instrumental in the success of the conference. In particular, we would like to thank the organizing committee for its valuable inputs in shaping the conference program and reviewing the submitted papers. List of Committee member, Conference Chairman, Technical Program Committees, Organizing Committee are available in the pdf