Spektralanalysen des okulären Mikrotremors bei Hirnstammfunktionsstörungen

: In 61 healthy and 79 patients the small involuntary movements were recorded using a piezoelecric strain gauge transducer mounted on a modified optical frame. The recording was followed by a spectralanalytic process with special programs. We used a detailed neurological examination for estimating the clinical condition of the patients. The spectral analysis of the ocular microtremor supplies results which correspond to the clinical condition in each case of the patients with increased central herniation. A irreversible loss of cerebral function (brain death) can also be documented. Patients with special clinical syndromes show tremograms which answer the probably extent of damage of (meso-)pontine parts. We investigated and discussed effects of the influence of central-nervous drugs, age-dependent relations, the significance of cardiovascular pulsations and questions and questions of the comparability of findings between both bulbi. The ocular microtremor shows burst-like components with a frequency peak between 60 and 90 oscillations per second. At present must be assessed that it could be a potential monitor of the function of the reticular (meso-)pontine formation.