Joint Base Station Scheduling

Consider a scenario where base stations need to send data to users with wireless devices. Time is discrete and slotted into synchronous rounds. Transmitting a data item from a base station to a user takes one round. A user can receive the data item from any of the base stations. The positions of the base stations and users are modeled as points in Euclidean space. If base station b transmits to user u in a certain round, no other user within distance at most ||b−u||2 from b can receive data in the same round due to interference phenomena. The goal is to minimize, given the positions of the base stations and users, the number of rounds until all users have their data. We call this problem the Joint Base Station Scheduling Problem (JBS) and consider it on the line (1D-JBS) and in the plane (2D-JBS). For 1D-JBS, we give a 2-approximation algorithm and polynomial optimal algorithms for special cases. We model transmissions from base stations to users as arrows (intervals with a distinguished endpoint) and show that their conflict graphs, which we call arrow graphs, are a subclass of the class of perfect graphs. For 2D-JBS, we prove NP-hardness and discuss an approximation algorithm.