Joa Archival Description Application Profile

This study explores the role of the RDF model proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), focusing on the elements that make up the General International Standard Archival Description [ISAD (G)]. Based on this condition, we propose an application profile that makes use of metadata elements of Dublin Core (DC) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards with compliance with ISAD (G) Standard, to the description in the mold of RDF model. In a qualitative approach, we performed an exploratory, literature and documentary research. Developed the Joa Archival Description Application Profile (JADAP), a profile that assists in the organization of existing archival information on the web today, which describes archival units in parts, structuring information and relating them to other information present in other databases through inferences. This study corroborate the organization and retrieval of archival information available today on the web, and in particular, that guide the search field oriented to Information Science (IS) and Archival Science, in order to enlarge the dialogue between them and the universe of the Semantic Web.