This work focuses on the steady-state and transient thermal-hydraulic analyses for PWR cores using wire wraps in a hexagonal array with either U (45% w/o)–ZrH1.6 (referred to as U–ZrH1.6) or UO2 fuels. Equivalences (thermal-hydraulic and neutronic) were created between grid spacer and wire wrap designs, and were used to apply results calculated for grid spacers to wire wrap designs. Design limits were placed on the pressure drop, critical heat flux (CHF), fuel and cladding temperature and vibrations. The vibrations limits were imposed for flow-induced vibrations (FIV) and thermal-hydraulic vibrations (THV). The transient analysis examined an overpower accident, loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and loss of flow accident (LOFA).
The thermal-hydraulic performance of U–ZrH1.6 and UO2 were found very similar. Relative to grid spacer designs, wire wrap designs were found to have smaller fretting wear, substantially lower pressure drop and higher CHF. As a result, wire wrap cores were found to offer substantially higher maximum powers than grid spacer cores, allowing for a 25% power increase relative to the grid spacer uprate [Shuffler, C.A., Malen, J.A., Trant, J.M., Todreas, N.E., 2009a. Thermal-hydraulic analysis for grid supported and inverted fueled PWR cores. Nuclear Technology (this special issue devoted to hydride fuel in LWRs)] and a 58% power increase relative to the reference core.
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Thermal bonding of light water reactor fuel using nonalkaline liquid-metal alloy
P. Richardson,et al.
Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow
D. S. Rowe,et al.
VIPRE-01: a thermal-hydraulic code for reactor cores. Volume 1: mathematical modeling (Revision 2)
N. Todreas,et al.
Hydrodynamic models and correlations for bare and wire-wrapped hexagonal rod bundles — Bundle friction factors, subchannel friction factors and mixing parameters
Akira Otsubo,et al.
The Occurrence of Wear Marks on Fast Reactor Fuel Pin Cladding
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U. Müller,et al.
Critical heat flux and turbulent mixing in hexagonal tight rod bundles