Finite-size scaling of kinetic quantities

In this contribution we analyze the finite-size scaling behavior of the tracer and jump surface diffusion coefficients, Dt and Dj, in the vicinity of a second order phase transition. For this purpose, we use a two-dimensional lattice gas model of repulsively interacting particles on a square lattice. For all lattice sizes L studied, the temperature dependences of Dt and Dj at half coverage are smooth functions, having an inflexion point at the critical temperature. Their derivatives, ∂Dt/∂(1/kBT) and ∂Dj/∂(1/kBT), exhibit cusp-like maxima which (a) are sharply pronounced and (b) converge to Tc for large lattice sizes. The finite-size behavior of Dt and Dj can be described by critical exponents σt=0.665±0.003 and σj=0.585±0.003.